A generous sampling of the “one another” encouragements:
“Serve one another…Love one another…Bear with each other…Forgive one another…Build each other up…Carry each other’s burdens…Be devoted to one another…Honor one another…Live in harmony with one another…Accept one another…Instruct one another…Greet one another with a holy kiss…Agree with one another…Be kind and compassionate to one another…Submit to one another…Encourage one another…Spur one another on…Offer hospitality to one another.”
Our Savior doesn’t ask us to do anything he hasn’t already done. In fact, he continues to “one another” us with his amazing love!
A favorite “one another” passage for me is Hebrews 10:25, especially since it drives us to a key component of our faith-life: “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another---and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
Even though we are unable to attend this “meeting” (public worship) at the present time, we need one another! More than ever!
There’s a tremendous amount of “one anothering” going on during these unique times. Praise God! To whom can you reach out to “encourage one another” today? Choose someone for whom such “one anothering” might be an unexpected surprise, but welcome and needed.
30 Days of Gratitude:
#28 – A sense of humor; not that mine is perfect or always in tune. Thanks to the many who found humor in my announcing to an “empty church” via video (last weekend) that we might be singing a Christmas hymn during the Easter season. I began to announce, “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing” when the song was “Hark, the Voice of Jesus Crying.” Thanks for watching and worshiping together, even though we’re apart.
#29 – The knowledge that storms end and rain (especially spring rain) brings growth – both in nature and in life (written while inside on a rainy spring day)
- Trinity family! We’re looking to clean up the branches on our church property in the woods along Hwy J. Simply pick up branches and put them in a pile. No set time, just come when you want to. The area is big enough. The area on the corner of Brunswick Rd is done; next area is on J and the church parking lot. Thank you!
A blessed Wednesday to you!
Pastor Stephen Luchterhand