Is your life hard right now?
Cancer is a hard disease to battle. Trying to rehab from a torn rotator cuff while battling debilitating, chronic pain is no fun. Back pain--so severe it leaves you lying flat on the floor waiting for the ambulance to come--is no picnic. Lawsuits hanging over your head like the Sword of Damocles can lay a burden on your brain that’s hard to shove aside. Having a loved one in the military, serving in a hotspot oversees can cause an anxious feeling in the pit of your stomach day and night. Caring for an aged parent or grandparent whose strength is failing can lead to many a sleepless night.
A business that’s struggling? A job that’s going nowhere? A family on the brink of falling apart? The pressures of every day life can all work together to sap us of our strength. Rob us of our vitality, and threaten to push us down into a pit of despair and hopelessness.
Is that you? Then, dear friends, I can do nothing better for you than point you back to Jesus Christ! To his love! To his cross! To his death which has paid all your sin-debts to God in full! To his resurrection from the dead! To his victory over our sin, our death, and our grave!
Are you worn down and weary? Then I can give no better advice than that of St. Paul: “Therefore, because you were raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” (Colossians 3:1-4, EHV) Heaven waits for us through Christ! Eternity is guaranteed by His blood! It’s time for us believers to start looking up!
And that’s Isaiah’s advice, too. No, much more than that. This is the Prophet’s guarantee. “They will lift up their wings and soar like eagles.” Have you looked up at the skies lately to see an eagle soar? I’ve seen eagles swooping down over the water, scooping up the little perch or bluegills I throw back. That’s an awesome sight. But I find it even more inspiring when I see one or two eagles together. Soaring on the breezes as if playing tag. Higher and higher and higher until I can’t see them anymore.
By God’s grace to us in Christ, God has taken us all—a sinful bunch of turkeys—and turned us into eagles. And because of His grace alone, our God has promised to be the wind underneath our wings. He will lift us up in Christ. He will hold us up in Christ. He will renew us. He will strengthen us.
Hope in Him. Trust in Him. Believe in Him. For God’s peace is yours—now and forever.
Privileged to serve,
Rev. Glenn Schwanke