Every cloud has a silver lining, so it is said. Hard to see one here. Especially as this ends with, “With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last.”
Two men were in an art museum and came upon a painting of a chess game. One character look like a man, the other character looked a lot like the devil. The man is down to his last piece on the chessboard. The title of the painting is “Checkmate.” One of the two men looking at the painting was an international chess champion and something about the painting intrigued him. He began to study it. He became so engrossed that the man with him grew impatient and asked him what he was doing.
He said, “There’s something about this painting that bothers me and I want to study for a little while. You go ahead and wander around. He studied it intently and when his friend came back he said, “We have to locate the person who painted this picture and tell him that either he has to change the picture or he has to change the title. There’s something wrong with this painting and I know what I’m talking about – I’m an international chess champion.”
His friend asked, “What’s wrong with the painting?” The man said, “Well, it’s titled “Checkmate” but the title is wrong because the king still has one more move.
The king still has one more move. On this day, on Good Friday, soon after lamenting the Father’s abandonment, King Jesus gives another loud cry, “It is finished!” and he gives up his spirit. His work is finished, his task of enduring an eternity of hell in six hours on our behalf completed. His time of being without is done. His work is finished. But, contrary to appearances, he isn’t. The King still has one more move.
Early Sunday morning, we’ll see it. More than a mere silver lining, an explosion of power and life that carries us all the way to heaven. And we’ll understand the answer to the question we’re afraid to ask today: My God, my God, why have you not forsaken me?” Jesus makes it clear: I was forsaken so you could be forgiven. I went without so you wouldn’t have to, I went without on Calvary so you will be with me for eternity. To God alone be the glory.
30 Days of Gratitude:
#10 – Christ crucified for me
#11 – Silent Saturday reminds of my need for silence to meditate on God’s grace
- Please keep our principal, Mr. Michael Wieting and his family, in your prayers as he
Lutheran Church and School in Wausau. Keep our ministry as well as Our Savior’s ministry in your thoughts and prayers.
2. Easter Sunday evening will offer an opportunity to gather as a Synod for online worship. Go to www.wels.net for the link or https://livestream.com/wlslive/togetherattheemptytomb for the livestream. The service begins at 6 p.m. Replay will be available after the service.
Blessings in Jesus,
Pastor Stephen Luchterhand