Ten. Weeks. Total. And it could be longer unless restrictions begin to be lifted at that time…
I don’t need to review for you the catastrophic changes that have taken place in such a short time, closures and shutdowns unthinkable just weeks ago. During this time, we’ve been deprived of opportunities for public corporate worship and group Bible study. But we’ve had plenty of opportunities for personal Bible study via online content and on our own.
The sermon text for worship this weekend at Trinity is 1 Peter 3:15-22. The theme, “Eloquent Faith,” keys off of this portion of v. 15 - "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that is in you."
How’s your hope? Got an answer to the question above – “What verse is giving you hope right now?” It’s been my privilege to share dozens of Scriptures over the past six weeks of devotions and sermons, many of which offer tremendous hope and encouragement (which is why I’ve chosen them). Don’t worry, I won’t run out because Holy Scripture is filled with such passages!
But I’d like to hear from you. Respond in the comments below this blog post or send me an email at [email protected]. Of, if you have my phone number, send me a text. Or call me. “What verse is giving you hope right now?”
30 Days of Gratitude:
#24 – Flannel Shirts and wool socks. They’re not year-round wear in northern WI,
but close; 6 months, easily
#25 – A “turned-off” television; good for quiet perspective and eliminating the
breathless hype and hysteria found all up and down the list of channels
With hope in Christ,
Pastor Stephen Luchterhand