It isn’t all about me.
Inscribed near the entrance of a cemetery in Okinawa, where many American military personnel are buried, are these words: “We gave our todays in order that you might have your tomorrows.” Memorial Day is a time to remember that the life we are able to enjoy in our country is due to the service and sacrifice of others.
It isn’t all about me.
Indeed, the earthly resting places of many of these men and women who gave their all are scattered throughout the world: in Valley Forge and Guadalcanal, Gettysburg, Normandy, Iraq, Afghanistan, Arlington. They have perished in battle on land and on sea, and in plane crashes on the other side of the world. When their bodies could be found, these heroes have received for their sacrifices a few square feet of foreign or native soil.
It isn’t all about me. This coming weekend reminds me that things don’t always have to “go my way” as I insist on “my rights over anyone else’s.” Memorial Day reminds me to look past the end of my own nose and express concern for others…as has been done for me.
Memorial Day is more than an excuse for a three day weekend, more than the unofficial beginning of summer, more than an excuse to fire up the grill, more than the weekend of the Indianapolis 500. It’s Memorial Day, which means we remember those who died while serving our country. We also do well to remember those who have served and sacrificed and are still living, and we do well to remember those who are still serving on our behalf. And not just remember them but thank them. When we do this, we’re really thanking the God who is the source of every blessing.
Truly, it isn’t all about me. Thank you, Lord, for your continued outpouring of undeserved blessings upon our nation. Thank you, Lord for the service and sacrifice of so many others that have helped to keep us free.
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22,23 NIV)
Grateful with you,
Pastor Stephen Luchterhand