- Which church to attend? Which service? Sunrise or later? Or both?
- What to wear? Something new or something tried and true?
- Where to eat? Church breakfast or brunch at a local restaurant? Or home cooking? And who will bring what?
- Where and with whom to spend the day? Friends or family or both?
- Easter baskets for the kids? Colored eggs? Heavy on the chocolate bunnies and jelly beans (and future dental bills) or toys/giftcards/cash?
You have choices for Easter, but the most important one has yet to be mentioned.
It’s not to choose to believe the Easter account – that we can’t do on our own. You already do! “No one can say, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ except by the Holy Spirit.” (1 Corinthians 12:3) “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit.” (Jesus in John 15:16) Thank God this “choice” has been made by his working in our hearts through Word and Sacrament.
Because this “choice” has been made, because you believe in the risen Christ by grace through faith, there’s no question that you will run (at least in spirit if not physically!) to the empty tomb.
Your Easter choice, without question the most important one you will make, is this: “Whom will you invite to Easter worship?”
It’s the same as asking, “Who needs to see Jesus? Whom do you want to join you in heaven? With whom do you want to share the joys of forgiveness and an empty tomb for life here and hereafter?”
Go ahead and make all the other Easter decisions that need to be made. But don’t neglect this most important one. Whom will you bring to see the risen Christ?
In Christ,
Pastor Stephen Luchterhand