Well, you and I should think about what’s next. What’s next for keeping our connection with the Savior strong? What’s next for feeding our faith to weather whatever life tosses our way next?
Simply stated: what is your plan for personal Bible study in 2021? Below, I share options available through the church I serve, Trinity Lutheran in Minocqua, WI. Perhaps some of these will work for you, especially if you’re part of the Trinity family.
If you’re not close by for any of the in-person opportunities, please make use of what’s available digitally here. And please, don’t hesitate to just dig into the Scriptures on your own. Read a Gospel, read through a Psalm or two a day, take time to meditate on the Word and let it marinate your soul.
What’s next? Jesus, always Jesus. “Your words are a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119:105 EHV)
January Bible study opportunities at Trinity:
- Sunday Morning, 9:15 a.m. (beginning, January 10) – “The Risen Lord’s Message to His Church” will cover the first three chapters of Revelation. Powerful words from our Savior offer both comfort and warning in this early chapters of Revelation. Chapter 1 introduces us to the author (John) and comforting, powerful images of Christ. Chapters 2 & 3 consist of the “Seven Letters to the Seven Churches,” Jesus’ Word to his people of every age (they apply today, too!).
- Mid-week Lunch Break Bible Study (Wednesday, 12:15 p.m., beginning January 6); Topic: “How We Got the Bible.” We’ll examine many important details about the history and text of the Bible including inspiration, transmission, and translation. An excellent in-depth and interactive review of how God’s Word came to be in our grateful hands!
- Weekly Bible study in the Sunday bulletin (beginning January 3) – Extra time in the Catechism! In each week’s bulletin (both hard copy and online), look for a study entitled “19 Minutes with Luther.” Each week’s lesson is based on key teachings from Luther’s Small Catechism. Both questions and answers will be provided in each week’s bulletin.
- Take-home/At-home study entitled, “Jonah: The Reluctant Missionary.” This study on the book of Jonah offers extensive study and discussion/mediation on this short book of the Bible. There is much to discover and learn here! You may find that you even identify with some of Jonah’s fears, weaknesses, and actions. This study is available for you to take home (table in fellowship hall) or to have sent to your home. If you would like it sent to you, please notify me or Pam in the church office. (Available January 3)
- “Grace Moments,” a daily devotional from Time of Grace is available in the Welcome Center. (By year’s end) Look for the lime green cover – this edition covers January-March, 2021.
- Meditations devotional booklet is available for pickup at the church (It began on Nov 29)
- Pastor’s “Wednesday Encouragement” blog, continues to be found on Trinity’s Facebook page and on our church website. You can also have this devotion sent to your email each Wednesday.
To God alone be the glory!
Pastor Stephen Luchterhand