And no, the picture above was not taken on Confirmation Day, although students feel quite festive when their studies and the Rite of Confirmation are completed. The fireworks peeking through the trees and the snow on the ground show the picture was taken on New Year’s Eve.
Our 8th graders have a full month ahead of them. They’re preparing essays to present as a confession of faith. They’ll be studying for their final exam and will take that exam later this month.
Below are the first seven questions (out of 140) that appear on the final exam for 8th grade Confirmation students at our church (Trinity Lutheran in Minocqua). Give them a try. (I promise, this is not an April Fool’s prank) Answers appear below:
True or False 1. The sole authority in religion is the Bible.
True or False 2. It is reasonable to believe that the world came into existence by itself.
True or False 3. The natural knowledge of God is sufficient for man’s eternal salvation.
True or False 4. The Bible is the only book that shows people the way to heaven.
True or False 5. A Christian believes only as much of the Bible as he can grasp with his reason.
True or False 6. By “verbal inspiration” we mean that the very words of the Bible were inspired or given to the authors by the Holy Spirit.
True or False 7. A person who believes in inspiration says, “The Bible is God’s Word,” not “The Bible contains God’s Word.”
How did you do? It gets much more involved than this. The questions get harder. The students also have to and write out ten Bible passages and explain the meaning in their own words.
Is it time for a refresher course for you? The answers – and there’s no room for error on these – are as follows: 1) True; 2) False; 3) False; 4) True; 5) False; 6) True; 7) True
May these days of social distancing not lead to “spiritual distancing.” Stay close to your Lord. Remain in his Word!
“But regard the Lord, the Christ, as holy in your hearts. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that is in you. In your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.” (1 Peter 3:15)
30 Days of Gratitude: Are you taking this challenge? Each day this month (beginning today), have every member of the family write down one thing for which they are thankful and place it in a “Blessings Jar.” See the previous blog post (dated March 30th) for details.
Here’s my first item: I am grateful for the technology to communicate the Gospel event when I’m unable to visit with people in person (video, email, social media, phone, texting)!
- Martin Luther College is making available online Holy Week devotions written by their faculty. Sign up at this link to receive a devotion in your email inbox every day from Palm Sunday to Easter.
- Next week is Holy Week! Worship online at Trinity is taking shape! There will be worship/sermon videos for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. Find them all at During this unique and challenging time, may you find overwhelming blessings in your Holy Week walk with Jesus.
God keep you in his gracious care,
Pastor Stephen Luchterhand