Other than “Jesus and me” selfies, I don’t think Jesus would whip out a smartphone all that often. His goal wasn’t self-promotion. Rather than selfies and self-centeredness, his goal was selfless sacrifice on behalf of others. He came not to be served but to serve, to seek and to save the lost.
On the other hand, social media is where people are today; during a pandemic, more than ever! Wouldn’t Jesus meet people where they are, even in the realm of social media? Would Jesus have a Facebook page? Would he tweet? Would you be able to link up with him on LinkedIn? Would he blog? Would he have a website?
I believe he would have a unique presence in these domains.
But would Jesus photobomb pictures? Absolutely, without a doubt: Yes!
Our Savior has a sense of humor. He’s great company, playful, whimsical, creative (just take a look around). And then there is his insistence that he is with us wherever we might be at any moment. Again and again, hundreds of times throughout Scripture, he assures us, “I am with you always. I will never leave you or forsake you.” (Matthew 28:20; Hebrews 13:5) Remember one of the names he wants us to call him: Immanuel, which means, “God with us.”
So, take another look at all of your pictures. Chances are, you didn’t actually photobomb an image of Jesus into any of them. But he’s there. In every picture. You can’t see him, but he’s there, right by your side. Picture him however you like: Standing tall and straight beside or behind you and family, humorously inserting his smiling face into the pic at a goofy angle, or carrying you and everyone in the photo. Picture him however you like, but be sure to picture him in each pic. He’s there.
Call it divine photobombing or get deeply theological with words like “omnipresence.” Just know and believe Jesus is with you.
A Quick Update
I’ll be recording a sermon today (Friday). It will likely be posted today as well. Also posted on our website, www.trinityminocqua.com, will be a PDF file/bulletin. This includes the Scripture readings for this week, announcements, prayer suggestions, a brief Bible study, and a printed copy of the sermon. Please read through this material and share with others. Gather with family, if you are able, and listen to/watch the sermon for encouragement from God’s Word!
I intend to follow this schedule for the time being:
- Online devotional content (website and email) delivered on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
- Sermon Video for the weekend uploaded by Friday
In the coming weeks, as our current situation remains, I plan on presenting sermons with sermon slides and sermon notes in the bulletin. These items are absent this week for two reasons: 1) We had been scheduled to have a guest preacher; 2) It took some time to adjust to the rapidly changing environment regarding the suspension of worship and devising a plan to deliver God’s Word in regular, meaningful ways. Sermon videos may also likely include hymns/music (embedded into the PowerPoint slides and/or provided by Hymnsoft) for encouragement as well.
Late this week, I’ve begun calling members to offer a word of encouragement and to see what needs people might have. On Monday, our Elders will meet to further discuss.
Please contact me at any time with information, suggestions and/or concerns!
Blessings in Jesus,
Pastor Stephen Luchterhand