When will we no longer need to be concerned about social distancing, wearing masks, or quarantining after a covid exposure? There are so many questions still swirling around about covid, even though many of us thought that by now we’d be long over with it.
Yet maybe your set of questions for the New Year is different?
Will this New Year see my health get better or deteriorate even more? Will I be able to stay in my own home, or will I need to enter a nursing home?
Will my cancer treatments be a success? Will my pacemaker keep me from needing to make another stressful trip to the emergency room and then the hospital?
Will I be accepted to the college of my preference, or will my SAT scores do me in?
If I get down on one knee and pop the question, will she say “yes,” or burst the bubble of my dreams?
Will this be the year we can go ahead and buy our own home or will the housing market dictate we need to rent another year?
Will this be the year my business takes off or the year it tanks?
Will this be the year I finally get a 30-point buck, bucket after bucket of puny perch, and plenty of pike to pickle?
And what about the questions we may have at Trinity? How will we move forward with our growing school? How will we recruit all the individuals we need for service projects at church? What will our ministry look like in the years ahead? How will we balance in-person and on-line options?
So many questions! But I have no crystal-ball to provide you with specific answers. Yet this I can do. I can guarantee you that we do not step into 2023 alone! Our Heavenly Father will be watching over us both day and night—guarding us, keeping us, making sure that even our worst setbacks somehow, someway work out for our good. His loving care for us will be like that of a Father tenderly tucking his precious child into bed at night. That’s the image the Prophet Zephaniah gives us. “The LORD your God is with you as a hero who will save you. He takes great delight in you. He will quiet you with his love. He will rejoice over you with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17, EHV)
Privileged to Serve,
Rev. Glenn Schwanke