Just a moment or two. Granted, you could probably answer a few e-mails, send a few text messages, and browse several websites in just a moment. You no doubt have many other things to do. You have many important things to do.
But you do not have anything to do that is more important than this: to linger at the foot of the cross of the Savior.
Please don’t gloss over that last sentence too quickly! I’ll repeat it. You do not have anything to do that is more important than this: to linger at the foot of the cross of the Savior.
It hurts to look and to linger. It hurts because Jesus is there because of you and me. Our sins put him there. Our flubs, flukes, foibles, fumbles, minor mishaps, and oopses are exposed for the ticket-to-hell-earning sins they really are.
Your debt of sin (and mine…and the whole world’s) is on his shoulders. And as he breathes his last, as death takes hold, life eternal is gained for you and for me.
This is a foolish message, a foolish gospel. But it is a powerful Gospel. It is the message that saves souls. “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (1 Corinthians 1:18)
Linger. Remain. Stay. Gaze. On Maundy Thursday. On Good Friday. On Silent Saturday. In public worship. In private worship. In private prayer.
And when Sunday arrives, what joy will be ours in the lingering…
He lives!
Pastor Stephen Luchterhand