I give up trying to control the circumstances of my life so that things will be “better.” Instead, I will remember that God is in control, and he does a better job than I do.
I give up trying to make everything work out for my good…Instead I will trust what God tells me, that he makes everything work out for my good.
I give up not trusting God to meet all my needs in Christ Jesus. I give up offering him leftovers of my time, talents, and treasure…Instead, I will consider how God does meet all of my needs, then trust him and offer firstfruits of everything he has given me.
I give up viewing challenges, difficulties, and hardships as curses or punishments from God…I want to see them as they really are: crosses and blessings that keep my focus on Jesus.
I give up grumbling and complaining about the people (and the God) in my life…Rather, I will see them and treat them as amazing blessings from God.
I give up trying to be all things to all people. I give up trying to be the me that I think I should be. I give up trying to be the me that others want me to be. I give up being the me I don’t want to be…
Instead…I will be the me God made me to be.
I need help with this.
So…God help me to give up excuses, procrastination, selfishness, sulkiness, and pettiness. With God’s help, I give up seeing everything from my point of view and seek to see things God’s way.
I need help with this. God offers plenty.
“Do not continue to conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, so that you test and approve what is the will of God—what is good, pleasing, and perfect.” (Romans 12:2 EHV)
Do you see it? The references to God’s Word and its transforming power? “The renewal of your mind” takes place when we’re in the Word of God. There are other places in which to “renew our minds” – or not. Here’s an encouragement to go to the right place for spiritual refreshment, and to do it often! Time in the Word enables us to “Test and approve what is the will of God—what is good pleasing and perfect.”
I give up…everything that keeps me from making the “renewing of my mind” through the Word of God a priority.
God help me.
To God alone be the glory!
Pastor Stephen Luchterhand