Truth be told, we often leave gifts from God unopened. If God gave us a generous financial gift, chances are we’d open it and put it to use right away. But what about the spiritual gifts God gives us? Do we eagerly open them and put them to use?
Quick question: Do you know what your spiritual gifts are? God has given every Christian at least one special spiritual gift, most have more than one. But do you know what they are, and how to use them?
Spiritual Gifts are divine endowments of special abilities for service given to members of the body of Christ. Here’s a partial list: Serving/Helping, Giving, Pastor, Leadership, Teacher, Administration, Evangelism, Showing Mercy, Encouraging, Faith, Music, Wisdom/Knowledge.
We’re all familiar with placing an offering of money in the plate for the Lord’s work. But what about offering him time and talents and the use of these spiritual gifts (whatever they are!). All of these come from him. In fact, our gifts and talents may be the greatest untapped resource we have to carry out the Lord’s work of getting the Gospel out to people.
“The greatest loss to the human race has not been caused by floods or fire, nor by epidemics
which have spread diseases over vast areas and with the sickle of death mowed down millions,
nor by earthquakes and tropical storms, nor by record-breaking crashes on Wall Street. The
greatest loss has been in the buried talents of God’s people.” (Arthur Brisbane)
No more! Not now! We must always seek to be creative in coming up with ways to spread the Gospel. Working together and pooling our resources is a powerful (and Biblical!) way to serve.
“Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good… All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines.” (1 Corinthians 12:7,11)
Got gifts? You do. As do I. Like little Marty in the picture, the beginning of a new year is a time to look at and within ourselves. It’s a time for self-assessment. What am I doing with God’s gifts? Am I being faithful with his gifts and resources? Do I even know everything he’s given me? Trinity family – do we realize the collective treasure of time and talents and resources that the Lord has entrusted to us? Think of that that we can do…together…for the Lord!
Got gifts? Sure you do. So do I. Let’s discover them and use them and accomplish so much more – together - by using what God has given to us to use.
To God alone be the glory!
Pastor Stephen Luchterhand