For just a moment, put life and all the ways you’ve found to deal with life’s harsh realities aside, and turn your eyes and heart to Jesus. Your life depends on it. Life now. Life forever.
This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday, which ushers in Holy Week. A significant portion (about 1/3) of the Gospels proclaims Jesus’ words and actions on our behalf during this week. This matters. He matters. What he says and does matters. Nothing matters more. Your life depends on Jesus and what he does. Life now. Life forever.
So get a head start today. Get ready for your humble King. Marvel at his Palm Sunday humility. He refuses a military-style escort in a government-issued black SUV and chooses to ride on the back of a young donkey. Marvel at his “new command” to “love one another,” on Maundy Thursday. Be amazed at how Jesus lived (and died) those words on Good Friday, giving up his perfect, sinless life in a bloody, once-for-all sacrifice on Calvary’s cross.
And please, for your own sake, stop at the cross. Not just glance and go. Linger. Stay. Remain. Whose sins are on his shoulders? Whose life is spared because Jesus gave up his own life? Yours. Mine. Yours! Mine!
Got a minute? Make it more than a minute. Take time. Make time. Your life depends on it. Life now. Life forever.
May you and I not be so busy rushing, managing, snapping, streaming, working and worrying that we fail to linger at Easter morning’s empty tomb. Nothing matters more. Nothing.
“He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5)
In Christ our Savior,
Pastor Stephen Luchterhand