The product is nothing more than bottled water with uplifting and encouraging words plastered onto it. It’s the power of positive thinking…for a profit. As powerful as the product claims to be, it does have an expiration date. Don’t wait too long to think and drink so-called “enhanced energy” into your soul.
There is only one water-connected product that never expires. Jesus instituted Holy Baptism as a means to bring grace to people and to bring people into the family of God. Thus he includes it as a key instrument in his Grace Commission given just before his ascension into heaven. “Therefore go and gather disciples from all nations by baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:19)
In his Small Catechism, Martin Luther explains Baptism this way: “Baptism is not just plain water only, but it is water used by God’s command, and connected with God’s Word.” The power in Baptism is not in the kind of water used, or in the flick of the wrist of the baptizer’s hand. It is not in whether the water is sprinkled or poured, or if the person being baptized is completely immersed. The power is in the Word of God!
God’s grace, his undeserved love, is nowhere more apparent than in Baptism, particularly infant Baptism. When a child is brought for Baptism, it is clear that God does the work of washing away sin and creating faith through his Word. God even puts his own name on the infant as the child is baptized in the name of the one true Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
What is true for infants is true for all. Baptism is entirely God’s doing for adults as well. If you have been baptized, you are a child of God. No one can take that away from you. No one can change that status, because Holy Baptism is the work of God. He marked you as his own through water and the Word. You are more than lucky. After all, luck expires. You are loved---loved by God.
May God continue to assure you of his love and grace through the fact of your Baptism!
Pastor Stephen Luchterhand
- The Wisconsin Supreme Court’s decision to lift Governor Evers’ “safer-at-home” declaration has potentially accelerated the timetable for us to be able to resume public worship. Oneida County has also issued updated guidelines. The Elders and I have had extensive discussions about how we may worship, and we’re heading for a decision as to when we will reopen. Please be alert to a possible communication from Trinity (email, letter, website) by the middle of this week regarding the possibility of public worship.