Whom might it offend?
Well, it is exclusive, that is, it does not include any reference to Islam. Nor are pagans included for their observance of the winter solstice. Also offended are those who worship the credit card gods, MasterCard© and Visa©. No doubt this brief listing passes over many more groups harboring grudges at not being included.
Have you had enough of the pressure to be PC – politically correct?
Keep it simple. Go ahead, and shop/clean/bake/wrap/decorate/travel/visit. But remember why we have such hope, such confidence, such optimism. The Son of God was born that first Christmas Eve, come to be our Savior, come to be the world’s Savior from sin.
You’ve made it through BlackFridayCyberMondayGivingTueday. What’s today? “Whiplash Wednesday?”
We celebrate Christmas, not commercialism. Christmas, not correctness. Life with God, not living for the here and now.
A blessed Advent and Christmas season to you and yours!
“But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons.” (Galatians 4:4,5)
Pastor Stephen Luchterhand