Well, those weren’t the exact words used. The text of the letter read: "While we have worked to resolve your issues and questions to the best of our ability … the decision has been made to terminate your wireless service agreement…"
These notices were sent to people who logged fifty or more calls a month on average to Sprint/Nextel customer service. In one case, a customer logged over 300 calls in a month. The company determined that these chronic complainers were detrimental to overall customer service, that is, they took too much time away from other “good” customers. So they were disconnected.
A few years ago, Amazon made news by cutting ties with customers who made too many returns – in Amazon’s estimation. No doubt there are customers who abuse return privileges at companies like Amazon. But in some cases, customers who made thousands of dollars in purchases – but only a few minor returns – found themselves unable to continue using Amazon.
Imagine a similar communication from God: "While I have worked to resolve your issues and questions to the best of my ability … the decision has been made to terminate our relationship…” Or, “You have attempted to return (or complain about) too many of the gracious gifts I’ve given to you…”
I wonder, do you pester God with prayer more than 50 times a month? (Fifty times a day may be more like it!) Are your requests always of utmost importance, or are they sometimes piteously petty? Doesn’t matter, our Father loves to hear from us in prayer – there’s no such thing as “high maintenance” with him. We cannot exceed his level of tolerance for excessive requests for his attention (even complaining), although he appreciates our working with him (sanctification!) to work through the challenges he places before us.
When we take in the big picture of God’s generous grace, we realize we have so much for which to be thankful: everything we need for each day, forgiveness of sins through Christ Jesus, a home in heaven, and so much more. Because of his love and attention, we do not need to be anxious about anything. In addition, God grants us peace and guards us against all threats of danger. He does this “in” and “through” our Savior Jesus.
Listen to these comforting words: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6,7)
A prayer to close: Heavenly Father, thank you for every good and gracious gift that you give to me. They are many, and they are all undeserved. When events and emotions threaten to overwhelm me, lead me to come to you in prayer, to cast all my cares upon you. Guard my heart and my mind…in Christ Jesus. Amen.
In Christ,
Pastor Stephen Luchterhand