Well, it’s my van. It’s been sitting in that spot on a dealership lot since June 10, 2021 (Nine months now). The steering column cable snapped, making it impossible to drive. The dealer hasn’t been able to locate the replacement parts. Supply chain issues…
Here’s what I imagine it feeling/thinking/saying: “I feel abandoned, forsaken, forgotten. I’m so lonely. And cold.” I may be transferring my own thoughts onto an inanimate object. But it’s my van, I’ve owned it for ten years and put more than 212,000 miles on it. It’s been a great vehicle for our family and in the current economic climate I do NOT want to purchase any vehicle – new or used.
Or, maybe it does have feelings. After all, its first five years of service were in the sunny, dry, and sometimes brutally hot climate of the desert Southwest (Phoenix). Its last five years have been, well, here in the land of fish and flannel and snow and ice and seemingly endless winter (at least from the perspective of early March in far northern WI).
The dealership has been good to us. We went without a loaner for a couple of months last summer, but in August secured the use of a much newer Odyssey from the dealership for our use until our old vehicle is resurrected from its current state. Honestly, they’re losing money on this situation.
Ever feel abandoned, forsaken, forgotten, alone? The Lord has immediate “repair” available:
- His Word is full of assurance that he knows our name, is concerned about every aspect of our lives at every moment. Jesus said, “Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” (Luke 12:7b)
- His people/the church/the community of believers – we’re not meant to be islands unto ourselves. We’re meant to live life together, to encourage one another, and to bear one another’s burdens. In Ephesians 4:2, Paul wrote, “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” In Ecclesiastes 4:12, Solomon wrote, “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”
- His presence – Jesus’ words in Matthew 28:20 are powerful: “I am with you always.” The Sacrament of Holy Communion offers forgiveness and powerful assurance of Jesus’ presence.
- Jesus himself knows the pain of abandonment as he was forsaken by the Father on Calvary to finish payment for our sins. And he overcame – in fact, rose again from the dead! – so that through him, we might overcome any and all circumstances.
The latest word on my van is that the parts are scheduled to arrive March 16th. We’ve been given an ETA at least half a dozen times; I’m not holding my breath.
But the resources our Savior provides for comfort and strength are constant, powerful, and immediate. Use them. Be blessed by them and by Him.
In Christ,
Pastor Stephen Luchterhand