Behind him, the tailgating woman is furious. She’s honking the horn, and she’s screaming a blue streak of language at him. All the while she is trying to put down her coffee, now that she has to adjust everything, drops her cell phone, and drops her make-up.
She’s in mid-rant, and she hears a tap on her window. It’s a police officer, very serious looking, and he tells her to get out of the car with her hands up. He takes her down to the police station where she is searched, photographed, and placed in a holding cell. A couple of hours later, she’s released from there, brought back to the booking desk, where the arresting officer is sitting with her personal effects.
He says, “I’m so sorry for the mistake! You see, I pulled up behind you, and you were honking your horn at the guy in front of you. You were flipping him off, and you were just screaming curses at him. I looked at you and I saw the---‘What Would Jesus Do?’---bumper sticker on your car, and I saw the---‘Follow Me To Sunday School’---sticker, and the---‘Choose Life’---license plate holder, and the chrome-plated ‘Fish Symbol’---on your trunk. And so naturally I assumed that someone had stolen your car!”
A case of mistaken identity…
“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. (Ephesians 5:15-17)
I’m guessing that you share your faith mostly by what you do, and by how you act, rather than by what you say. You do get chances to speak – maybe you pull out a Bible, or you pull something from memory, and you talk to someone in spiritual terms, but people are watching you, especially if they know you are a Christian. They’re watching you like hawks!
God give us the strength to not be mistaken for anything/anyone other than one of his people!
In Jesus,
Pastor Stephen Luchterhand