- Cringe
- Game Changer
- Era
- Dropped
- IYKYK (If You Know, You Know)
- Sorry Not Sorry
- Skibidi
- 100%
- Utilize
- Period
For the article describing these words/phrases and the rationale for banishing them, go to: https://buff.ly/3DYP3eB
May I offer a few words and phrases of my own that could use banishing?
- Perfect!
- Just sayin’.
- Obsessed.
- Anything followed by three dots (…)
- Banishing. I’m serious! “Banishing” is often described as a core skill for witches, sorcerers, and people seeking to cast spells to eliminate undesirable elements from their lives. Understood this way, I think you can understand why I’d suggest banish…, I mean, elimination.
Here are a few more words and phrases that relate to our interaction with God and his Word that should be, ahem, eliminated:
- I can do this on my own. (See the January 1st Wednesday Encouragement)
- I believe in myself. (Big mistake. Again, See the January 1st Wednesday Encouragement)
- I know enough of the Word to get by. (Is “getting by” enough for you? Immerse yourself in the Word. Grow! Thrive! Rejoice!)
- I don’t need to attend worship all that often. (Would I say that to Jesus, face-to-face?)
- I don’t need the Lord’s Supper all that often. (Which is like a person who takes blood pressure medication saying, “I don’t need to take my meds all that often.”)
Whatever you do, do not stop using the Word of God! Let us not in any way banish or eliminate/minimize the Word of God in our lives. There are approximately 783,000 words in the Bible. It’s hard to get a definitive count due to the variety of languages and translations. You don’t need to take them all in all at once. You don’t even need to read through the Bible in a year (a worthy goal). Just read, learn, study, meditate. Daily. Yes, daily.
Why? Why not? For life now. For the life to come.
- “The word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It penetrates even to the point of dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow, even being able to judge the ideas and thoughts of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12 EHV)
- “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.” (Romans 1:16 EHV)
- “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” (Psalm 119:11 NIV)
God’s grace be with you!
Pastor Stephen Luchterhand